Destination SkillQueue
Are We There Yet
Posted - 2010.12.17 10:24:00 -
I would propably act very similarly, if RL was the same as EVE. I guess the point is that it is so alien compared to RL that it doesn't matter in the slightest. I would be alternating between a normal person and a giant *******, because life would be too limiting and boring otherwise.
In EVE there is no pain, no felings of any kind. The world is sterile and lacks almost all emotional triggers RL has. The interactions I'm limited to are claustrophobic compared to RL possibilities. I can reach the top of any field of speciality within a year or two without any effort and then hit a wall, that prevent all further progress in that area no matter how much effort I put in to progressing. There is no way for me to satisfy most of my biological needs and wants. I can't really affect other people living in this universe in any meaningfull way other than talking with them. Even death has lost it's meaning and all losses can be recovered from. The whole universe I'm living in is largely pointless and I can't ever be happy because of the limitations in interaction, so I might as well get as much lols out of it as I can before the universe ends.
What is the point of holding on to high morals in that kind of world? The reason things are morally reprehensible is because they cause harm to others. If you take away the ability to cause that harm, you take away the need to abide to such moral constraints. If I rob you here, I haven't harmed you in any significant way. In fact I can't really rob you. Only your own actions, either intentional risks or stupidity, can make you really vulnerable in any way and even then it is just financial setback you can recover from with little to no affect to your normal operations. Even if a player is a total psychotic monster, they can't harm anyone else or cause them physical pain or pleasure. All you can do is say some mean things or disrupt their normal activities, which they can counter by blocking you or doing alternative activities that aren't susceptible to such interruptions.
In short morals are more or less tied to their actual their RL affects, if you believe otherwise you're an idiot, so moral rules don't apply at all in some cases and in others they are weakened in an artificial and limited universe like EVE. For example murdering someone loses a lot of it's moral reprehensibleness when you take away all the pain, suffering caused to loved ones, disruptions to peoples lives and the larger community and the actual dying. It just isn't the same and the people who genuinely think you can draw long reaching conclusion from in-game behavior to RL behavior are the ones you need to watch out for.